Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love.. or something like it.

I've always been very guarded. Very closed up to the idea of love and everything that goes along with it. i.e: Marriage. Something about it just never sat right with me. The idea of loving someone forever scared the hell out of me. And part of that is because I never believed that anyone could love me forever. I've lied to myself many times, and often tried to convince myself that what I felt was love. I guess somewhere deep down, I wanted to have faith in it. But no matter how hard I tried, my opinion always ended up back on the negative end of the spectrum. I was recently fortunate enough to meet someone who helped change my firm stance on the subject. Suddenly, I became open to the possibility of love and all it has to offer. I didn't have to lie to myself or trick my feelings into something that wasn't really there. It just happened, and it was easier than i ever thought it would be. Instead of finding reasons why I should love him, I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't. He showed me that love can exist, and its not just some hocus pocus created by the people in hollywood to sell movies. You love people in many different ways and there's no explaining why or how. Its a powerful feeling that you have inside of you, and no one can stop it or tell you that it isn't real. Even if those people don't love you back, or at the same magnitude you love them, it doesn't matter. You just roll with it. Love can make you happy. It can make you sad, angry or excited. It can make your dreams come true, or shatter your whole world. It can make you dance on park benches like there's no one watching. It can create a pain in the innermost part of your soul and cause you to be completely miserable. But however you are affected by it, its there. And there's no way to ignore it.

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